developing the next generation of global citizens

Core to everything that we do is ensuring that our programs provide you with a transformative learning abroad experience.

You learn the most when pushed outside your comfort zone. As we open the door to Global Citizenship, we aim to provide you with an opportunity to challenge yourself, challenge your perspectives and learn about the world around you. We can guarantee that you'll return home from your Challenges Abroad experience not only with new memories and friends for life, but with new strengths and skills that are going to help drive your success in the future.

student travel, volunteer abroad

delivering our long-term development projects

We ensure that our Global Citizenship programs have a long-term, positive and sustainable impact on our partner communities. 

In each of our destinations you will work alongside our charity, The FutureSense Foundation. FutureSense has teams that live and work with our communities year-round and their expertise ensures that our programs align with actual community needs and are within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

university students volunteer abroad in Nepal and Cambodia, climate action, tree-planting, volunteer programs

going carbon neutral

We are taking Climate Action and investing in reforestation projects to eliminate our carbon footprint.

Through our partnership with Evertreen, we will be planting trees in Kenya and Nepal. This not only neutralises our carbon emissions, but also supports the local community in the area by generating employment. In addition, we encourage you to participate in activities such as tree planting and community clean-ups to help us raise environmental awareness.